Friday, 15 November 2019

The Chair-CEO Relationship

Taking over as a Chief Executive a few years ago, I was quite conscious that being a first-time CEO, it was really important for me to understand how to build a strong, working relationship between the Chair of the board and myself, based on the principles of mutual trust, respect and accountability. That was one of the questions I asked many of my experienced peers at the time – and often still continue to ask, as this is one of the most important relationships that can make or break organisations.

So why is this important ? The Chair is unlike any other ‘line manager’ that one would have. For one, the Chair is more often than not in the charity sector, a volunteer with whom one would have relatively less contact, albeit more than with other trustees. Thus, it means that the Chair, who often is not able to get into the details of the running of the organisation, is still getting substantial assurances on how the organisation is run, in terms of delivery of its strategy, plans, external relationships and internal culture. The Chair provides a steer to the board, who, in addition to their statutory and fiduciary responsibilities, also provide the strategic steer for the organisation. On one hand, while it is important for the Chair to have strategic and operational oversight of the organisation, it also needs to be balanced with the limited time s/he would have to provide that support and challenge that the CEO needs.

Speaking to many of my peers and based on my own experiences, these are some ways in which Chairs and CEOs have managed to maintain a sound working relationship, while also providing leadership and steer to the organisation.

Regular catch-up : It is generally believed that a fortnightly catch-up would be ideal. I would recommend scheduling a fortnightly call and a monthly face-to-face meeting, even if we think it may not quite be required. While using these as an opportunity to brief the Chair, it also provides space for the Chair to ask questions or offer advice. Very importantly, a catch up just before the board meeting would be crucial so that the CEO can brief the Chair on what the expectations of each agenda item would be and on what the ideal outcomes for a board discussion would be.

Policy of no-surprises : Long gaps between meetings or calls could mean that some critical issues could fall through the cracks. CEOs need to anticipate what issues could potentially be problematic or controversial, which need to be proactively flagged earlier on rather than it being sprung as a surprise in the board meeting, which could make the Chair feel quite exposed, but more importantly, would be difficult for the Chair to steer discussions with objectivity and balance.

Agreement on agendas : I strongly believe in ensuring co-creation of agenda as much as possible. There are often standard items on an agenda depending upon the organisational calendar. But it is important to understand the expectations of the Chair across the meetings in a year, so that these can be factored into developing and agreeing agendas, while also working towards a better understanding of the expected outcomes of these meetings.

Giving and receiving feedback : Unlike a member of an executive team, it could be quite difficult for a Chair to understand the implications of their engagement on other members of the team, mostly because they are not often around, physically. Equally, for the CEO, a meeting with the Chair should be a safe space where problems can be shared and advice sought. It is also an opportunity for the Chair to play the role of a coach or a mentor, as appropriate. Hence, there must be a good understanding of when and how feedback can be mutually shared, thus building greater trust and respect. This could also be about other senior members of the team or other board members.

Being part of a journey : I remember a Chair once remarking during a talk, “I prefer my CEO to help me bake the cake with her, rather than giving me a baked cake”. I think that was a very insightful comment. Often, we make the mistake of just ‘selling’ or ‘telling’ the board on a range of issues we think they need to know, but do not sometimes make the effort of bringing them on to a journey.

The external role : It is really important for CEOs to be able to identify opportunities where the Chair can play the role of the organisation’s ambassador, thus also leveraging the networks they have. These are immensely inspiring opportunities and the Chair would have the unique perspective of being a part insider and part outsider, which can be hugely advantageous for the organisation. It is also great for others to interact with the Chair and see the Chair play such key representational roles.

The Chair-CEO relationship is a very important one, and sometimes, it can be difficult to get it right. But as long as the Chair and CEO are able to agree on some first principles and get this relationship right, it can work only to the advantage of the organisation.

(Originally published by the Third Sector, November 2019)