‘Focus on what you can
control’ is a mantra that seems much more applicable to the current situation
than ever before. As the Covid-19 pandemic grinds the world to a halt, thanks
to the invisible virus, there is understandably a sense of anxiety and panic,
not just about the immediate threat (e.g. on health, relationships, jobs,
economy) but also on the absolute fear of the unknown (how long will it last,
how deep will its impact be, what will the new normal be, how will it change
the world etc.).
As leaders, we also have the
responsibility of bringing in a sense of calm to our respective teams and think
beyond our immediate lives, to even attempt to bring about a semblance of
normalcy. So here are some of my thoughts :
Stay mission focussed : Our
organisational mission is akin to a lighthouse that serves as a navigational
aid. When there are waves of uncertainty that swirl around us, it is the
mission that provides a sense of direction and reminds us what the purpose of
our organisation is, and what we are here to achieve. At ActionAid UK, we
constantly remind us that our mission is to work with women and girls living in
the global south living in poverty and enable them to realise their rights.
That is what always inspires us and should do, going forward.
Be true to your culture :
Every organisation has its own organisational culture. There is no better way
to bring that culture to life than during a crisis. Let the culture enable
those values and behaviours to be demonstrated clearly in how we manage the
crisis, some of those values being - empathy, self-care, inclusion, kindness,
trust and respect, which are quite common in the not-for-profit sector. At
ActionAid, this is expressed through our feminist principles and behaviours,
and there is no better time to embrace it fully than now.
Understand resilience through an
inter-sectional lens : Resilience is key in managing the crisis,
but it is different for each individual, given their background, their beliefs,
the socio-economic group they represent, and it is important to understand how
each individual could be supported in being more resilient in view of the
unpredictable future. We have had some discussions internally on issues of
mental health for instance, and we are fortunate to have a dedicated team of
mental health firstaiders who offer a fantastic resource. Equally, we keep
reminding our colleagues of the confidential helpline we have, to support
colleagues through these difficult times.
Connect and communicate :
With home working becoming the norm for an indefinite period, it is more
important than ever to reach out, check-in, communicate, reassure and make
people feel part of a wider team and organisation. I am so impressed to see how
many of our teams have immediately put in some creative forms of catch-ups
virtually, to keep in touch and check-in, which has been hugely welcome,
especially by those who live on their own and feel very isolated. I
participated in a Friday afternoon virtual drinks session, and it was great to
also meet some of the family members and pets over this virtual catch-ups !
Self awareness and vulnerability : We
all have our own lives, and hence, an entire hinterland of anxieties and
concerns. Leaders must look inwards to introspect what their deep concerns are,
acknowledge them in the spirit of self-awareness and be comfortable in
expressing their own vulnerabilities. I have realised that the current crisis
is having an impact on my sleep pattern, and every time I wake up at night,
which is a few times, my mind immediately diverts to whether I am doing the
right thing in managing the crisis. And I have found immense comfort in being
able to share that with colleagues.
We all have been through
various crises in our respective roles and organisations, and I am sure there
is a lot we can learn from and be proud of how we managed that. But this one is
at a scale hitherto unseen in modern times. And it is global, affecting every
single organisation across sectors. It therefore calls for deeper solidarity
irrespective of who we are, where we come from, what our beliefs and ideologies
are or where we live in the world. It may just be that moment to come together
as one world, one community, to appreciate our diversity, to be more inclusive,
tolerant, understanding and unified. It may just be the moment that will help
redefine global relationships, bring us all together to continue to fight some
of the other huge challenges like poverty, gender inequality, exclusion and
social injustice.
(Originally published in the Third Sector, March 2020)