Thursday, 11 May 2017

The 11 Commandments

“It is all about a balance” – this is a very familiar remark that people would associate with Barbara. “Perhaps it is because I am a Libran”, she once said.

After an incredible 11 plus years as the CEO of WaterAid, Barbara steps down in May 2017. She has every reason to look back with pride at what the organisation has achieved under her stewardship. Before coming to WaterAid, she was the CEO of Action for Disability and Development for 9 years and prior to that, worked with various organisations including ActionAid and Oxfam in southern Africa, after having spent 2 decades in Australia, before returning to the UK.

I had the privilege of working with Barbara for nearly 10 years – those were incredible years as well, enriched with learning and doing things that I had not done before. Working closely with Barbara, I gained a deep understanding of her leadership style.
Initially, for me, it was quite difficult to comprehend her leadership style. Having been schooled in the more ‘directive’  leadership style, it was hard for me to get it. But then, over a period of time, with deeper exposure to newer and more rounded understanding of leadership styles and culture, a lot of that started making good sense.

It is now nearly 2 years since I left WaterAid. And in my current role, I have often reflected on Barbara’s style and picked out some key aspects that I have been keen to embed in my own leadership style. I have spoken about this at a few guest lectures that it did at CASS Centre for Charity Effectiveness.

Now, to coincide with Barbara’s retirement, I would like to share this more widely. Barbara would be mortified by the thought of her style having been referred to as ‘commandments’ – but don’t take that word seriously. That is a bit of a tongue-in-cheek. They are actually more like ‘principles’ that defined her style of leadership, that I was very inspired by, and try to ‘check-in’ many times, especially when I am facing some key challenges. Mind you – this is not what she says about her leadership style – this is what I have learnt and gained as insights.

And given that she is stepping down from WaterAid after 11 years, here are those 11 commandments and I hope you as the reader will find this helpful :

1.      Be mission focussed – avoid mission drift : It is so easy to get carried away and want to do many things or engage with a number of initiatives, often because you want to be in the good books of people by being inclusive. But it can cause ‘mission drift’ and hence, one does need to say ‘no’ if that is the right thing to say.

2.      Build trust, respect and collaboration  - we cannot do it on our own. We need to work with partners, allies, collaborators – whatever is the term we are most comfortable with. And irrespective of the success or size of one’s organisation, it is import to retain a high degree of modesty to work with others.

3.      Keep a cool head – keep smiling even if under pressure : People expect their leaders to be resilient and manage stress, which also drives confidence in their leader to overcome challenges.

4.      Prepare well and ahead – an early (or earlier) morning start helps : The regular working day can be very busy with back-to-back meetings or engagements. We do need some quiet time to focus on some important work or reading. Even a regular meeting or a 1-1 with your direct report requires some prep time for it to be effective.

5.      Be accessible – it is much appreciated: It can cause distraction, but an ‘open door policy’ often pays rich dividends as many organisational issues or myths can be dealt with over a conversation, in addition to building positive relationships. ‘Talk is work’ was her motto. Whether it is around the coffee machine, or in the corridor, or over lunch, make time to talk to staff. People feel respected but more importantly, one learns a lot that does not come out of emails or meetings.

6.      Follow a no surprises policy – flag and signpost: This is particularly important in the CEO’s relationship with the Board, and especially the Chair. As long as the CEO has the backing of the Board and its Chair, the organisation will be able to overcome myriad challenges.

7.      Keep the Board engaged – they are a great resource: Make time not just for Board meetings, but to catch up with individual trustees, over the phone, a cup of coffee or by email. Communicating with Board members is so critical to keep them informed and engaged – and it leads to better Board meetings and better decisions.

8.      Keep an eye on the external – think how it can benefit you even if it is not quite obvious: There is always a question of balancing between the internal and the external. Internal issues can take a lot of time, hence it is very important to ring fence some time for external engagements, and to have the external antenna functioning.

9.      Keep circulating and networking – it is great to share ideas, to be out and about: As a CEO, one does get invited to several events, some more relevant than others if one is looking at the theme or purpose of these events. But these are incredible opportunities to meet new people, work the floor and network, and we may be in for surprises as some of them could lead to a longer term relationship – but it definitely gives you a new or a different perspective.

10.  Think of how the organisation can build its profile – look for various channels : It is about ‘getting the message out’ and the CEO has such an important role that cuts across various functional areas. As the key ambassador and spokesperson for the organisation, it is critical to ensure that the CEO is often thinking of building the profile of the organisation and delivering its messages.

11.  Read and recharge – it helps ‘sharpen the saw’: Always make time for some reading, and we can always find some time, however short – on trains, while waiting for an appointment, or a few minutes each day, during or outside work hours. It does help in the process of learning and reflection.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

The Quest for Learning

When your boss comes visiting, that is not great news, most of the time. When you are a young 23 year old responsible for your team that your boss is coming to check on progress, that is not great either. And when your boss himself is 60, a very respected retired civil servant, it is rather challenging. And when he is still very passionate, driven, committed and tireless, when he needs only 6 hours sleep, has massive appetite for detail and a workaholic, and cannot stand the sight of anyone  smoking (I was a regular smoker then), nothing can be more disastrous.

That is exactly how I felt when the late Anil Shah, our CEO, announced that he is coming to ‘visit’ our programme area and spend 3 days. I was the newly anointed  team leader of the district team. I had a multi-disciplinary team of about 12 working on various land and water resource management projects in the drought stricken district of Surendranagar in Gujarat, India. It was the mid-80’s and while I felt quite capable, having secured a masters in rural management, ’managing’  a boss like Anilbhai (as he was fondly referred to) was something that they didn’t teach me.

Anilbhai had many qualities that you would look for in a leader. He had charisma, presence, gravitas. He had fabulous networks, was influential  and had vast knowledge about government’s rural development programmes and policies. He was a voracious reader and kept himself abreast with the latest thinking in national and international development. We kept wondering how he got his energy for a 60-year old to work 16 hours (oh yes – the concept of ‘work-life balance’ was not yet in vogue). He even had looks of an ageing yet immensely popular Bollywood star. 

Preparing for his visit meant a lot of hard work. All project updates had to be ready with all kinds of details. We never could be prepared enough for the questions he would ask. We had to update ourselves on any changes in the district administration, else we would expose our lack of interaction with them. We could expect questions on issues of culture, or barriers to progress. We had to pretty much prepare for anything. But more importantly, he would ask us about what we had ‘learnt’ from our experience of interacting with the local communities. We thought we knew enough. I had a masters, after all, a decent academic qualification. Yet, to our annoyance, he wanted us to tell him what we had ‘learnt’ – how could a bunch of arrogant, English speaking, city bred youngsters expect to learn from the rural folk ? At that stage in one’s life, these questions didn’t make much sense.

Well, he arrived, we went through the grind, there were tough questions and we as usual felt under prepared. We failed woefully on his question of learning. His next question was – how much time do you spend in the villages in talking to the community ? Now that, for us, was not work. Work was going and implementing projects and coming back – simple ! He asked us if we stayed overnight in the villages to ‘learn’ about them – we couldn’t get that around in our heads either. Learning by living in the villages ? Nah….we were better off coming to our little homes for a nice hot meal, crowding around the only telly we had amongst us and watching the late the latest episodes of the popular soap opera. Plus, there were no toilets in the villages, so we couldn’t be ‘bothered’ to stay there overnight.

I think Anilbhai realised that he had to ‘demonstrate’ what he meant by learning. So, off we went to one of the villages, which was one of our ‘success stories’. We wanted to show him the best. We had organised a village meeting as we knew they will say nice things about us and our work. All project records were ready. People were waiting in the courtyard of the village leader’s house. He came in and greeted them graciously – but then said that before he had the meeting, he would like to go around and meet people in their homes to understand some of the issues they were dealing with. That struck us as being odd – after all, we had taken the trouble of organising this meeting, yet he wanted to go around and visit homes. But we had no option. In those days, you didn’t challenge those you are meant to respect – end of story !

So, we set off, walking with him. He asked questions on crops, cropping cycles, livestock, productivity, jobs, migration, politics. We gave half-baked non-convincing answers. So he decided that it was best for him to just ask the households directly. Even the local community was amused. ‘What can we tell you about us ? There is nothing to tell. It is pretty straightforward. And you are a ‘mota manas’ (translated crudely from Gujarati as ‘important man’) and you know everything’. With his characteristic smile, he set off, down the dusty village lanes, popping into houses at random after a respectful greeting. He would sit down, open his diary, patiently ask questions with curiosity, carefully note down the answers. We had no idea why he was subjecting himself to such an ordeal. 

The afternoon sun was blazing hot, the lanes were dusty, we had often to make way for cattle strolling by, side stepping the dung laid all over. But Anilbhai carried on. What we did notice though was that in each household, he would request the male member, who was invariably the person welcoming us, to ask their women to join the conversation, and he would then direct his questions to the women as he was convinced he would get a very different perspective – on farming, on cattle, on children, on the local economy, on public services – and generally, on life !

At the end of his walking around for a couple of hours, he came back to the village leader’s house, a wide smile of satisfaction that he had ‘learnt something’. Equipped with that new information, he started a conversation with those who were still around. He validated some of the information he had collected to ensure he had got it right, talked to them on their collective understanding, and asked them questions on solutions.

I had the privilege of many such interactions with Anilbhai over a 3-year period. There were some key lessons that he was passing on to us as youngsters :

·         Learning never ends : As a retired senior civil servant with four decades of experience, having interacted with some of the most influential people during his time, it would have been very easy for Anilbhai to sit back and bask in the glory of his incredible career reputation. But he chose otherwise. There was this insatiable energy and enthusiasm for learning. He would get into deep conversations with communities and families in the villages he visited. Shorn of the grandeur of his government position, he felt much more enabled and comfortable to do so. He never hesitated to ask a question. He took detailed notes. He would constantly be accessing research papers (these were pre-internet days) to enhance his knowledge or meet with people who are experts in their field. It was amazing to see how he left no stone unturned to keep learning. And he did that to almost the very end of his life.

·         Trust the inexperience : Being the CEO and founder of a fledging organisation is in itself a risk. To manage that, he recruited a team of experienced hands, some retired, to ensure that his organisation had the right technical skills. But in the 3 field programme teams, he recruited mostly youngsters. Of the nearly 40 staff in the 3 district teams, perhaps only about 10 were over 35. And there was a time when all the 3 district teams were led by those in the mid-twenties, all relatively inexperienced – my close friends Shankar and Apoorva being two of them, and I being the third. I am still amazed at the boldness of his decision at such a foundational stage in the life of an organisation, given our relative inexperience and lack of a track record, to trust us with running team, managing staff and sizeable budgets !

·         There is no alternative to hard work : Anilbhai made no apologies for the need to work hard. For him, there was no substitute. Work was worship.  He was respectful of those with experience and expertise – and as someone who had both, it still didn’t matter when it came to himself. He kept a punishing schedule complemented by a disciplined lifestyle. He saw no other way to lead from the front – at a time when leadership was mostly about being directive. Having worked his entire professional life in the government, he wanted to ensure that he was offering his best to the not-for-profits sector.

As young people, we tried in vain to keep up to his standards – we did succeed, at times, if you could read the rather enigmatic smile that he had when he was pleased with something.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Changing Lives

The earth was damp. The market was busy, The farms were buzzing with activity. The rains that year had been good, and everyone seemed to have a spring in their feet, a renewed purpose in their lives. Making my way to the little town of Netrang in the south Gujarat district of Bharuch in India, there was a sense of hope in the air. An area dominated by the 'adivasis' or 'scheduled tribes' (as they are referred to in the Indian Constitution - the indigenous people), they lived on the margins, their lives steeped in poverty, yet a community that was so full of life and resilience. 

It was September 1985. I was actually going to meet my close friend Shankar. It was almost 5 months since I had seen him. I was bored in my job in Mumbai. And it was time to head off and have some fun and just 'chill'. 

Shankar greeted me with his characteristic charming smile. He was (and is) always someone who is full of excitement and enthusiasm - but that day he was particularly excited. I thought it was because I had arrived, and while that may well have contributed to that, he was excited to check the progress of the social forestry and minor irrigation projects that his organisation had been implementing, with which he had been closely associated. And with good rains, there was hope of an early success. 

"It was not easy, initially, as people had to trust us. And winning their trust was always going to be difficult as we are city bred outsiders and very young too", he explained. He was only 22 and his team leader was just a year or two older. Most of the dozen odd team members were in their early to mid twenties. But I had not come to see the projects - I had come to see him and spend time with him. But to my chagrin, he said, "Let us go to the villages and I will show you what we have been doing". 

Succumbing partly to his enthusiasm, I hopped on to his motorbike, and set out to see 'the work'. He kept talking about how they had been working with the local communities, pointing excitedly to the various villages they worked in as we passed them. 

After an hour or so, we came to a village, to be greeted very warmly by the local community. They were very pleased with the rains. They were growing trees to arrest the decline of green cover. The saplings were doing very well and looked healthy. They had a local management team in place to keep an eye on the plantation, keep the accounts and generally get the community engaged. They had a long term plan. After 10 years or so, some of these trees could be sold, but in the interim, there would be fodder, some firewood and seeds available. Some employment had also been generated and a community so short of cash had some money going around. They could now dream of a better future for their children !

The story in the next village was not so different. Here, there was a minor irrigation project which was to arrest the flow of water through a simple construction, which would then enable the local farmers to irrigate their crops for the first time and get a better return.

As a 22-year old myself, I watched in fascination at what I was witnessing. Of course I could see what the trees and the irrigation could do, but I had learnt some key lessons from Shankar without he probably having realised it. These were :

* The power of trust - When there is trust, you can move mountains. There is a book by Stephen Covey on 'The Speed of Trust' which I read many years later. That is so true. As an outsider and as a  youngster, Shankar had built trust with the local communities in a matter of just 6 months. It had to come from his personal style and engagement, and a genuine empathy

* Enthusiasm is infectious - It is so easy to identify challenges, less so, to identify opportunities. Here was a great example of how enthusiasm based on belief in what would work was being translated to generate enthusiasm across different stakeholder. As a naturally enthusiastic person, Shankar could demonstrate that very effectively

In all this though, there was a much deeper lesson, which probably even Shankar did not realise at that time - that we all have the power to change something, and that is, Change Lives ! That realisation has stayed with me always and is so core to my self belief. 

A Preamble - Lessons Learnt in Leadership

Lessons Learnt In Leadership 
My career started 32 years ago, on April 15, 1985, to be precise. Each year, I look back at the years gone by, the experience accumulated, the knowledge gained – and very importantly, the people I have met, worked with and have inspired me.
It is truly a humbling experience to think back and reflect on all those wonderful individuals who had such an influence in my life, in my thinking and in my own leadership journey. Never will I be able to repay that debt – but I can certainly acknowledge the contributions they have made to what I am today and influence my thinking, attitude and practices today. This blog is a small attempt of mine to pay tribute to all those from whom I have learnt invaluable lessons. And by writing them down, I am reliving those moments when what they said or did was embedded in my own consciousness, which I bring to the fore when I need it.
It was John F Kennedy who once said : "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other". I cannot agree more with that. With every single step that I have made on my leadership journey, I have realised how much more there is to learn. And given the privilege that I have had to learn, I wish to share that more widely.
I have named my blog 'The Triple L' - the 'triple l' being 'lessons learnt in leadership'. That is an ongoing journey, and the journey continues ! 
I hope you as the reader will find this useful. I will immensely appreciate if you can find a bit of time to read, comment and share if you think this is indeed of some value !
Thank you – and may your leadership journey be enriched with learning !